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Lightning discharge
lightning detection system
electromagnetic field
magnetic and electrical components


The paper describes the possibilities offered by Blitzortung's detection and location system for recording electromagnetic field components. The initial chapters describe the basics for the operation of such systems, the frequency bands used for lightning detection, and the most common detection and location methods used in such systems. Then describes the operation of Blitzortung detection and location system, its functionality and its location the stations. Describes how the system works and what kind of signals are received by the antenna of the system stations. The magnetic and electric fields from the atmospheric discharge were also compared. The numerical parameters used for field detection by the system stations are discussed. On selected waveforms the effect of the distance between the lightning discharge and the detection station in the shape of the recorded electromagnetic field signals is shown. The waveforms were also compared in terms of the detection method and the type of antennas that received signals of lightning origin. The final part of the paper describes the possibilities of using data from the system for comparative analysis with simulation results, experiments and other measurements.
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