Physics for Economy 2025-01-24T08:31:52+00:00 dr hab. inż. Tomasz Więcek, prof. PRz Open Journal Systems <div align="justify"> <p>Scientific Papers of the Rzeszów University of Technology - <strong>Physics for Economy</strong> - published since 2017, are a continuation of scientific publications published since 1984, under the name MATEMATICS and PHYSICS.&nbsp;It is an open access log, issued on a continuous basis. Scientific Papers of the Rzeszów University of Technology, Physics for Economy, include original scientific papers on: nano-particles, optical image analysis, fiber optic sensors, metrology of physical quantities, spintronics, acoustics, magnetostriction, laser processing, mechanical properties, computer science and its applications in the above-mentioned.</p> <p><strong><a href="">e - ISSN 2544-7750&nbsp;</a> &nbsp;</strong></p> </div> STRUCTURE OF VITAMIN K AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN MEDICINE 2024-02-16T07:32:10+00:00 Tadeusz Jasiński Violetta Bednarska Marian Kuźma <p class="a-abstract-EN"><span lang="EN-GB">Quinones and its derivatives – vitamin K are well known species in medicine. The chemical structure, configurational isomerism of vitamin K and the differences in the biological activity is shown in this paper.</span></p> 2024-02-16T07:23:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Physics for Economy OPTICAL FEEDBACK. II DYNAMIC EFFECTS. 2024-10-07T09:41:20+00:00 Marian Kuźma Paweł Bałuka <p>In the present paper the mathematical model, introduced by Crutchfield [1], for video feedback performance is outlined. The two dynamical fractals observed in our video feedback experiment have been described. The first one shows the five-fold symmetry. Its spatial form relates well to the one which was simulated numerically by Andersen [2]. The second one consists of black strips with dislocations and rotates with the velocity of 0.2 1/s<sup>-1</sup>. The spatial form looks like a modern picture and its spatial time evolution correlates well with Chopin music.</p> 2024-05-27T09:51:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Physics for Economy TRIGLYCINE SULPHATE (TGS) – MATERIAL FOR ACTIVE DETECTORS OF INFRARED RADIATION 2024-10-09T08:35:07+00:00 Mariusz Trybus Tomasz Więcek <p>In the article we present the current state of research on triglycine sulfate (TGS) – one of the flagship materials used in active thermal detectors of infrared radiation (IR). A description of the second-order phase transition in TGS is provided. The methods for measuring the relevant electrical parameters of IR sensors based on TGS are presented, focusing on their application in thermal detection of IR radiation. The article is based on available literature and the results of our own research.</p> 2024-07-24T10:58:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Physics for Economy THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE LASER REFLECTION METHOD OF MEASURING THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE OF CIRCULAR-SYMMETRICAL LENSES 2025-01-24T08:31:52+00:00 Tomasz Więcek Zygmunt Lech Warsza Jacek Puchalski Tetiana Bubela <p>In this paper, a theoretical analysis of the laser reflection method for measurement of the radius of curvature for a circular-symmetric lenses was carried out. The measurements of the radius of curvature for a spherical and aspherical lenses were taken. The use of the criterion function in the calculation for minimalization of the uncertainty of radius curvature for a spherical lens has been demonstrated. The parameters of the function describing measurements and minimizing their uncertainty were determined.</p> 2024-12-16T12:49:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Physics for Economy