Mass Customization - a production type dedicated to organization ot the process ot manutacturing modular products
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type of production, modular product, Mass Customization

How to Cite

Zielecki, W., Perłowski, R., & Tłuczek, R. (2018). Mass Customization - a production type dedicated to organization ot the process ot manutacturing modular products . Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 102(4), 11-15. Retrieved from


In the initial phase of development of industrial production, the manufacturers of products, seeking to gain a competitive advantage, tried to reduce production costs by using cheap, special machines adapted to the implementation of simple technological tasks. This is how mass production was created that allowed producing cheap, uniform products in a very large amount over a long period of time, which did not satisfy the diverse needs of customers. The modern consumer market has forced producers to use new types of production: variant production and Mass Customization. Varia nt production consists in manufacturing products in several variants, which partially meet the needs of selected consumer groups, whereas Mass Customization (mass production of individualized products) consists in mass-scale production of products tailored to individual customer needs at standard costs. The use of Mass Customization requires the design of products with a modular structure and the creation of information systems enabling customers to configure and order products, consisting of modules offered, that will meet their individual needs. Mass Customization is used in the automotive and computer industries and enables manufacturers to gain a competitive advantage.

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