The effect of curing and seasoning conditions on the strength of adhesive butt joints
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adhesive butt joints, peel strength, curing, seasoning, C45 steel

How to Cite

Rudawska, A., & Miturska, I. (2018). The effect of curing and seasoning conditions on the strength of adhesive butt joints. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 102(4), 48-52. Retrieved from


The paper presents the influence of the curing and seasoning conditions on the strength properties of the butt joints. The joined elements in the form of a two-stage roller are made of C45 alloy steel. These elements were bonded using the three types of the epoxy adhesive based on three various epoxy resins and PAC hardener: E5/PAC/100:80, E53/PAC/100:80, E571 PAC/100:80. The tests were carried out for three variants of the curing and seasoning period: 7 days of curing under ambient conditions, 7 days of curing and 7 days of seasoning in a climatic chamber, 3 days of curing and 7 days of seasoning in a climatic chamber. After the curing and seasoning period, peel strength of adhesive joints was determined in accordance with PN-59/C-89301. The highest strength from among the applied adhesive compositions was achieved by used E5/PAC/100:80 epoxy adhesive. Comparing the first variant of the seasoning time with the second, it was noticed that the seasoning of the samples for the next 7 days in the chamber negatively influenced their strength. However, the best results of peel strength were achieved for the third variant of the seasoning period. The presented variants of seasoning and their results diversity encourage further research to determine the technological factors affecting the best achievement of the assumed strength properties of adhesive joints.

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