Analysis of the effect of the rotation of the part on the reliability the robotics' assembly process
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robotic assembly, adaptive gripper, effect of rotation, mathematical model

How to Cite

Вартанов, М., Зинина, И., & Чунг, Ч. (2018). Analysis of the effect of the rotation of the part on the reliability the robotics’ assembly process . Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 102(4), 58-62. Retrieved from


The main stage of automatic assembly is the process of parts mating. At this stage, there are problems associated with the probability of jamming the parts. To solve this problem, adaptive assembly heads are usually used. However, known dynamic models and control algorithms based on them relate to plane-parallel motion. In this case, considerable frictional forces arise that preventing coupling. The article deals with the assembly method using the rotational motion effect of the installed part. The presence of rotation makes it possible to significantly reduce the part of the friction force, which prevents the movement of the part. In this case, the task becomes spatial. A dynamic model of the coupling process with the use of the industrial robot ASS IRS140, equipped with an adaptive head, which has the ability to rotate about its own axis, is constructed. The rotation is realized by the kinematics of the output link of the robot.

The mathematical model of the coupling process is considered in the form of Lagrange equations of the second kind. Two cases are considered: with the installation without contact with the chamfer and with the slip on the chamfer. The resulting systems of differential equations allow us to investigate the process of a robotic assembly using the effect of rotation of the gripper. On the basis of mathematical models, both direct and inverse tasks of dynamics can be solved. The created mathematical model will be used to determine the conditions of the robotic assembly using the adaptation and the rotation effect of the part.

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