The method for inspection of shaft seals using 2D laser triangulation
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2D laser triangulation method, surface scanning, shaft seals, detection of defects

How to Cite

Czajka, P., & Garbacz, P. (2016). The method for inspection of shaft seals using 2D laser triangulation. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 92(2), 25-30. Retrieved from


The article presents a inspection method for automatic control of internal combustion engines seals. The proposed non-contact method of inspection technique utilize 2D laser triangulation technique. In the systems based on this technique line created by the laser radiation is projected on the surface of the object. The reflected light surface is then recorded by the photosensitive array placed at an angle with respect to the direction of the laser light. Changing the distance of the test surface relative to the measuring head causes a change in the position of points on the light-sensitive sensor. For the purposes of research the experimental station was developed. During the inspection the inspected seals are placed in the socket on the rotary table. The 2D laser measuring head is mounted over the inspection zone. During the rotation of the table the current position of the seal is send to the control unit. On this basis, the measurement system controller accumulates the individual 2D profiles of inspected seal in the memory. After collecting a fixed amount of 2D profiles followed by analysis of the scanned surface of the product the inspection decision is reported. As part of the experimental studies typical seals defects were identified. Additionally in the article an example of the results of the scan surface of the seals with variety types of defects are presented. The advantages and limitations of the proposed method are discussed.

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