The aim of the study was to assess the effect of environmental ageing on the load capacity of single-lap adhesive joints made of EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy, subjected to and not subjected to pneumatic shot peening. Adhesive joints were made using two-component epoxy adhesive Loctite EA 3430. Half of the formed joints were strengthened by pneumatic shot peening of the overlap zone. The shot peening time was 120 s, the ball diameter was 1.0 mm, and the compressed air pressure was 0.5 MPa. The adhesive joints were then subjected to different variants of ageing in natural conditions. Individual variants differed in the length of ageing. The next step was to examine the load capacity of the adhesive joints using a static tensile test. The results were subjected to statistical analyzes, including analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression and correlation analysis, and Student's t test. Based on the analyzes, it was found that for the assumed range of input factor variability, ageing of joints not subjected to shot peening increased their load capacity by 38%. Aging of joints strengthened by shot peening resulted in a 62% decrease in their load capacity. The ageing length had a significant effect on the load capacity of the adhesive joints.
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