Voice control system for collaborative robot used in assembly process


voice control
collaborative robot
command recognition

How to Cite

Czyżewski, J. (2024). Voice control system for collaborative robot used in assembly process. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 126(4), 44-50. https://doi.org/10.7862/tiam.2024.4.6


This work is devoted to the issue of recognizing voice commands by the voice control system of a collaborative robot in an industrial environment. Such a robot will be designed to cooperate with a human during the assembly process. This method of communication significantly facilitates and speeds up work, increasing the efficiency of the assembly process and reducing the operator's workload. However, production halls and other places where assembly takes place are environments filled with sounds with a wide spectrum of intensity and frequency. Such an environment significantly impedes the functioning of the voice control system. This work examined the impact of sound pollution on the robot's command recognition.



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