Automatic compensation of errors of multi-task machines in the production of aero engine cases


CNC, part probing, 5-axis machining, machine accuracy, aviation industry

How to Cite

Szyszka, G., Kwiatanowski, D., Sęp, J., & Antosz, K. (2021). Automatic compensation of errors of multi-task machines in the production of aero engine cases. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 111(1), 29-39. Retrieved from


The article presents a procedure which has been developed for rapid machine tools geometry selected errors compensation without machining process interruption, during long-term machining in the industrial shop floor conditions with the use of touch probe. The method presented in the article aim to increase quality of large machining components (DIA > 1000 [mm]) and a significant difference of the part height for aerospace industry, with machined on the same production line, to achieve zero non-conformances and minimize the effort of manufacturing engineers of process control. The article presents results of tests and implementation methodology results for large, sheet metal engine cases production on 5-axis multitasking machines. Presented method is directly connected with specific engine components manufacturer needs however it gives an opportunity for other industry areas implementation.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 (



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