Analysis of the grinding force components and surface roughness in grinding with the use of a glass-crystalline bonded grinding wheel


grinding, grinding force components, surface roughness, dressing overlap ratio, glass-crystalline bond

How to Cite

Żółkoś, M. (2020). Analysis of the grinding force components and surface roughness in grinding with the use of a glass-crystalline bonded grinding wheel. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 107(1), 44-51. Retrieved from


The article concerns an investigation of 100Cr6 steel surface peripheral grinding process with glass-crystalline bonded grinding wheels. More precisely the investigation of surface roughness parameters and grinding force components in relation to different dressing overlap ratio, feed rate and grinding depths values. Seven different values of dressing overlap ratio have been used to determine influence of dressing overlap ratio to grinding force and surface roughness. After determining the stable range of dressing overlap ratio, other tests were conducted with eleven different values of feed rate and two values of grinding depth to determine how they shape the grinding force components and surface roughness parameters. The machining has been performed using a CNC surface grinding machine, together with a surface grinding wheel and up grinding strategy. Additional NI equipment was used for grinding force data acquisition. The surface roughness was assessed using two parame-ters (Ra, Rz). The contact measurements of surface roughness were carried out using the MarSurf PS 10 profilometer. The dresser effective width was measured with the use of AM7515MZT Dino-Lite microscope to ensure consistent values of dressing overlap ratio throughout the entire experiment. Significant impact of the dressing overlap ratios, feed rate and grinding depths on the grinding force components Fn and Ftas well as the roughness parameters Ra and Rz were obtained.

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