Influence of the type of epoxy adhesive on selected mechanical properties of adhesive joints of steel sheet


adhesive compounds, epoxy resin, curing agent , adhesive joint, strength

How to Cite

Rudawska, A. (2020). Influence of the type of epoxy adhesive on selected mechanical properties of adhesive joints of steel sheet. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 109(3), 47-52. Retrieved from


The paper presents the issues related to determination of the strength of the adhesive joints of C45 steel sheets which were made using six types of epoxy adhesives. Epidian 5, Epidian 53 and Epidian 57 epoxy resins and two types of curing agents: polyamide (PAC) and amine (Z-1) were used to prepare the epoxy adhesives compounds. The adhesive joints were subjected to strength tests in accordance with DIN EN 1465. When comparing the results of the shear strength tests of single lap adhesive joints of C45 steel sheet prepared with the use of the analyzed adhesives, it was noticed that better results were obtained with the use of the adhesive compounds containing the PAC curing agent.

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